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As the International Symposium for Electronic Art (ISEA2024) shapes its engaging program for the upcoming conference in Brisbane, Australia, it’s with great pride that we spotlight three exemplary artists from the Leonardo community who will grace the event as keynote speakers. Cristóbal Martínez and Kade Twist, Leonardo Artist Fellows also known as the visionary duo behind Postcommodity, along with Tiare Ribeaux, our esteemed Leonardo Exchange Lead Artist, are set to illuminate the minds of attendees with their groundbreaking works and thought-provoking insights.

Recognition of Leonardo’s Outstanding Peer Reviewers

As a result of 50 years of publishing work on the cutting edge, Leonardo has become the leading international peer-reviewed journal on the use of contemporary science and technology in the arts and music and, increasingly, the application and influence of the arts, design and humanities on science and technology.

Dr. Roger F. Malina is granted Executive Editor Emeritus

The Board of Directors of Leonardo/the International Society for the Arts, Sciences and Technology has granted to Dr. Roger F. Malina the position of Executive Editor Emeritus, effective January 1, 2024. This is the highest honor that Leonardo can bestow, and is in recognition of Dr. Malina’s years of leadership and dedicated service to the organization as its founder and long-serving Executive Editor of Leonardo Journal. Dr. Malina will continue his service, with the opportunity for Leonardo to continue to benefit from his experience and expertise, on the Editorial Advisory Board.

The Mindful Mona Lisa: Quantum Cloud of Leonardo’s Alchemy

In the above image (Codex Atlanticus 520r, c. 1490) Leonardo writes:

“Body born of the perspective of Leonardo Vinci, disciple of experience.  Let this body be made not with examples of another body but only with simple lines.”

This is one of his greatest declarations of respect for esperienza, meaning both experience and experiment.

Leonardo's 2023 Book List

As the year comes to a close, we've curated this short list of our top book recommendations and favorite reads of 2023. These carefully selected books transcend the ordinary, inviting you to explore the intersections of art, science, and technology through the eyes of visionaries. Dive into the pages of this curated selection tailored for inquisitive minds.